Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Whiten Your Teeth in Less Than 14 Days

by Jesse Andrews

Teeth Whitening

Teeth whitening is not something that requires a dentist's grades! All you need actually is a simple but effective product and a proper consistent method. With such a proper product and method, you can easily clean and whiten your teeth and get back your sparkling smile in no more than two weeks.

Whiten Teeth

Before you get a whiten teeth, you need to know certain things. The stain or the plaque that settles on the teeth is usually caused by what you eat and drink. This includes caffeine products, chocolates and smoking too! Removal of this stain whitens the teeth. But normal brushing does not help. It of course helps a bit, but when it comes to harder stains, they require special treatment.

Teeth Whitening Products

By special treatment, we merely mean special whitening products which help in bleaching your teeth to get back the whiteness. The products range from strips to specially made toothbrushes and gels. The amount of a bleach, like baking soda or peroxides determine how much effective the product can be. However, this is not a guarantee because sometimes, high bleach may not achieve anything!

Teeth Whitening Kits

Teeth products on the other hand are more professional and may require that you read more on them. They are usually like tray-based whitening products, which is similar to what is used by a specialist. The level of concentration varies, but the effects are almost the same. Such kits require expert handling, because they should not hurt your gums and other parts of the mouth.

Types Of Teeth Whitening

With so many types of teeth whitening, it sure becomes a bit tough to actually select the right one. But with knowledge anybody and do it and get a sparkling smile in two weeks or less.

With so many types of teeth whitening, it sure becomes a bit tough to actually select the right one. But with knowledge anybody and do it and get a sparkling smile in two weeks or less.

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